jueves, 16 de enero de 2014

We sell books and 'stuff'

(Post en inglés, quien necesite asistencia que me avise y yo traduzco)

So after some weeks working in a bookshop, I've learnt that I should remain humble and acknowledge not only that I haven't read as many books as I'm expected (customers expect a lot) or, even worst, I don't know all the titles and authors requested by some customers; I also don't know all the non-book-related products that we sell. There have been many times I've thought "hahahaha, we don't sell that! [mental silence] Wait a minute... Maybe we do", so here's a couple of those situations, the two that I remember because I felt cheated (1st case) or like an idiot (2nd case).
But then I have a friend who works in a bookshop next to a cathedral. So after remembering some of her experiences with crucifixes and holy customers, I think what we've got around here is still within the realm of 'normal'. Except for the mug. I just can't accept that one.

And I need a new black felt-tip pen (sigh)...

3 comentarios:

  1. Entro con mi casco alado, preparada para dar crédito que no soy un androide,soy casi un androide.Me gustan mucho tus tiras y es mi más profundo deseo verlos materializados en un libro,que por supuesto se venderá en tu librería......y no serás tú.Te quiero y te echo de menos-Besos

  2. Grande Marga!!!La 3º es la vencida, siempre te hablé de mis sueños y visiones de tener tu futuro libro recopilatorio.....y de la venta del mismo en tu lugar actual de trabajo, donde ya no trabajarás-Éxitos

    1. Muchísimas gracias Mirta :) Pues ya veremos, a ver si me animo con el tiempo a ponerme en algo serio con esto de las tiritas mensuales. Un abrazo, y desde aquí también se te echa de menos. Besotes para la Patagonia!
